I really haven't posted a photo of me before because I think I'm terribly UN-photogenic... but I like this picture of me and my best bud, Karla, whom I've known for 18+ years...I believe this is one of the few pictures of us together! This is from my recent 50th (ack!) b-day party. I should probably photoshop out the green beer bottle. Don't know if it's hers or mine! I think this was taken during the dwindling hours of Saturday night... I'm not wearing make-up...I'm on the right!
Hi Jamie, lovely to have you visit my blog and It's great you're going to play along with 'dress ups'!! there are four of us now!
Do you have an email addy? I have a couple of pics and templates I could send you. M
Well Happy Birthday! It's nice to have a face with a blog;)
are you kidding? not un-photogenic at all!!
however,i run when the camera comes out!
I think you are beautiful. You have gorgeous cheeks. And you look like someone that anyone could be friends with.
I like that in a person.
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