We decided we wanted chickens this year. No, we don't live on a farm. We are actually on the outskirts of town, not in city limits, in a residential area! Hmmmm. We'll see how long this lasts. No roosters, just hens. And they are so adorable. They have a nice little hen house, soon to be decorated with flower boxes and other plants. Can't wait to have some farm fresh eggs! Olivia , my 11 yr old, wants to name them. She gets to name three of them. So far, I've come up with Lucy, Ethel and Ruby. I've also thought of Ginger, Mary Ann, and Lovie... Stay tuned!
On the floor dying with laughter!! The names are just classic!!
Ethel and Ruby sound just the right names for a couple of chookie gals who I'm sure are going to have many adventures! Mx
OMG not crazy at all! I love my chickens, just hens. As a very funny friend once said to me, "Roosters are useless". Considering where you live you'll keep your neighbors happy by NOT having a rooster. Oh when you start getting eggs you'll never want store eggs again. As for the luxury chicken coop.....damn they scored!
you will love the chickens. i had some many years ago the only thing that got a bit much was in rainy weather the poop gets to be a bit smelly. the cleanup is a must, and ya gotta do it with some consistency. otherwise i loved the eggs and there strange personalities. enjoy
You are NOT crazy. We had and loved our chickens. "Goldie" would jump up and cuddle with us on the hammock. Just make sure they are REALLY secure. They don't use the term "sly as a fox" for nothing!
Oh you are crazy, but how wonderful!!!!!
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