Wow - several weeks breeze by and and I haven't written at all! Work has been busy, so I really haven't been focusing on anything creative, even in the off-hours - though I have read a few good books and I've even hosted a workshop! Spending a lot of time updating my resume. My job is ending June 30th - kind of scary! Our grant will not be funded in the same capacity so I get to look for a new job! I'd love to be able to make a living doing something at home, but not sure what that would be~ but I am excited about change! That's never really bothered me! I have been reading a few Needlecraft Mysteries by Monica Ferris! They are pretty short reads - about all I can handle - I love mysteries! She is going to actually be traveling by train from Minnesota to Seattle this summer, with a few stops in Montana. I think I'll try to go see her! The other book I just had to have is Treasured Notions by Kaari Meng. This is fantastic!
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