Thanks to the info on Maija's blog I am signing up for Show Me Your Form! I have earlier posts on my dress form, Ruby Malinda Beatrice Nell, but I will make sure to dress her up in something new for August 1! Check back!
Wow - where have I been? What have I been doing? It started in June with a visit from my daughter, who's living in Michigan. She is pictured here with her little sister! A trip to Yellowstone (only a 90 minute drive from us...) was next. Here are pictures of the Paint Pots and Old Faithful, of course. It was blizzarding that day, with only a few moments of sunshine! Also had a trip to Kalispell/Whitefish/Glacier Park - no photos of me playing my first-ever round of golf... but I did manage to get a cool waterfall scene and this awesome barn just out of Browning on the Blackfeet Reservation. Then a fantastic 4th of July in Ennis, MT... very fun. Parade and breakfast... Did fireworks with the neighbors later on. Oh, did I mention I have a full-time job as well? Yes, I do try to work occasionally...! Throw in some gardening, and a home/garden tour - and I can't believe I've still got some summer left! Needless to say, all of my art projects have been put on the back burner. I am going to try a fun project - some dyed fabric - I'll share the results when I'm done! I hope you are having a fun summer!