Well - there were only three commenters on the giveaway post~ I feel fortunate that a few people read!! Marj from Cowgirl Goods was the first name out of the bowl so she wins, but I will also send Dawn of The Feathered Nest and Artgurl some goodies as well! Thanks so much! I asked about the best part of autumn~ to me it's the changing colors of the trees, the crisp evenings, perfect days and the (hopefully) lack of snow! I have posted a picture of a few of the giveaway goodies - but that's not all~ Send me your addresses, you three, and I will get these mailed out this week~
WOW COOL! 3 or 3000 I never win anything! FUN FUN FUN and to get mail from Montana....I love getting mail from places I dream about.
I couldn't find your e-mail on here and not sure if I should post my address so my e-mail is:
Happy Trails,
Yippee! I never win anything!! To what email would you like my address sent to?
Hi Jamie! Looks like I missed a nice giveaway :) I have a subscrition to Mary Janes Farm mag and I love it! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!
:) T
I read your blog!! I am just way behind!!
JAMIE!! Thank you so much!!! You are such an angel...and didn't have to do that ~ I received my goodie packet today and LOVE IT ALL!!! I can't wait to post about all of the treasures, your heart is so big sweet friend...and all of the Christmas cards are so beautiful, I'll be sure to scan and share them with everyone!!! Thank you again for sending me these sweet gifts ~ hugs and love, Dawn
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