Sunday, January 08, 2012

2012! Studio Sunday!

I can't believe three months have gone by without a post! I've decided that in order to keep myself on track with the blog, Facebook, Etsy, etc. I will need to have weekly/daily topics - as follows -

Sunday Studio
Monday Musings
Tuesday Theme
Wordy Wednesday
Thrifty Thursday
Friday FYI
Saturday Sojourn 

Check in this week and you'll see what I mean! I will be adding a Facebook link as soon as I figure it out and I will have the 'promised' (like a year ago..) Etsy store up and running by this week.

So - to start off Studio Sunday here are photos of my 'studio'. Totally a mess, really tiny, but with lots of light and an inspirational mountain view! These are definitely before photos. Can't wait to show you the 'after' ~ Thanks for hanging in here with me! Happy 2012!


Ella Violet Antiques said...

Yay! I'm so glad to see an update on your blog! I'll come into the shop on Wednesday to say hello. Eva

Margaret said...

well, I could be happy in your studio, even if you just needed help tidying it! Love your view, what an inspiration ! Mx